This recipe is part of the Epicurious Online Cooking School, in partnership with the Culinary Institute of America. To watch it being made, and to learn...
This dish is made with chicken thighs, which have more flavor than chicken breasts but you can substitute chicken breasts if you like. The meat needs to...
Tender lettuces get topped with juicy spiced chicken, ripe mangos, soft avocado, and cherry tomatoes. There's so much flavor and texture going on that...
Steaming unlocks the succulence of okra. Here, the pods are tossed with slivered ginger and a Vietnamese-inspired scallion oil in an all-purpose dish that's...
Believe it or not, watermelon and feta make a great pairing. Toss in some hot chili peppers and cilantro and you have a salad to delight everyone who tries...
This pungent, spicy, and garlicky broth is a riff on rasam, a South Indian soup. Tamarind juice typically acts as the base for the dish, but here tomato...
This addictive grapefruit and tequila cocktail, served right in the can, is refreshing, subtly sweet, and salty. It's ideal for navigating the crowds on...
Loaded with fresh herbs and sturdy kale and then set off by a bright and spicy dressing, this is an ideal counterpoint to the more decadent dishes on the...
Chef Rob Ray of Belly Acres in Memphis created this recipe as part of the Blended Burger Project™, a partnership with the James Beard Foundation that...
When I was pregnant with my son, John Jr., all I wanted in life was Mexican food. This was a dish I came up with to satisfy some of those cravings in a...
Mexican aguas frescas, or "fresh waters," made from all kinds of fresh fruit, flowers, or herbs, are a great way to beat the heat. This cantaloupe version...